Our generation differs from our parents and grandparents generation because we have things that they didn't when they were younger. They might of had bad and good things or even suffered in their teenage years. Now that we are in the 21st century we have more advanced technology which maybe our parents or grandparents didn't had when they were younger. I feel as though that our generation has more interesting things then our parents or grandparents generations. Sometimes I think to myself what had it been like if I was born before technology was invented.
When I asked my mother how was here generation she said that it was some how similar to ours. My mom is not that old she is from the year 1980. She said that in school teachers couldn't talk about sexual education in any class. Parents couldn't even mention any sexual education to their children that was like a sin. Also my mom said that only offices and high class people had computers. Students didn't had any computers they had to work by books and writing.
Something similar in our generation with my moms generation is that young men also smoked and used drugs at a young age. She said the boys in your generation are the same as the boys in my generation. She also said that young girls would also get pregnant at their young age like 14-18 years old. They would drop out of high school or sometimes didn't even graduate from high school. That's how exactly teenagers of our age act and behave.
Now, heading towards my grandparents generation which is a lot of different to ours. My grandparents told me that their parents would tell their kids who to marry and why they should. The kids could not decided who to marry they didn't had the right. They didn't had any technology like we have now. Back then being a prostitute was a sin and you could got killed or sent to jail for that. Now in our generation is a normal thing to people which I think it is not normal. It don't matter how old you are you should never do that to yourself. Overall my grandparents say their generation wasn't that bad once you experience it you get used to it.
In conclusion, every generation has its own thing don't matter good or bad. I feel that later in life generations would be a lot different from past and present generations. Nothing will be the same everything will be much better or even much worse. You never know how will generations be 30 years from now. So just enjoy life and keep on moving forward because there is something good in every day.
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